Thursday, October 31, 2013

Business Blogging with "Personality" - Should You get Personal or Professional

Today’s Social Media for Business topic is about how should you maintain a blog for your organization; and just how personal should you or the blog be with your written or visual content?

Should you or can you be relaxed and talk in the first person - from a more intimate sort of view? -Revealing your personal opinions and emotions or experiences?    

Or are you possibly working on behalf of someone else, and you will need to keep a written voice that is strictly professional. This week with my social media class lecture - our professor tells us it depends on the business of course - and what your particular goals are going to be. 

Who are your more relevant consumers or customers, and does the business environment allow you to show off some of your organizations personalities to them? Maybe you can engage your online consumers through certain company personnel or some other prominent individual? 

Perhaps a blog can be written by the owner of the business, or the CEO of the company?  These are a few of the key players in a business that might act as a less stringent voice for the company – showing a more human side for the organization, with which you can possibly create more consumer engagement.    

Personally I have a hard time with getting too personal on a blog such as this. Although I am a younger baby boomer – a baby boomer I am. So not being like most millennials, I do have some reservations about having to display personal pictures or for telling my life’s stories online. 

I am just now warming up to the thoughts of keeping a limited social  media presence online with developing my  “personal brand” - which is intended to help develop my professional career track, and maybe in time, to try to achieve some personal business endeavors.  

But it makes sense to get more intimate to attract people; especially if you’re a business owner who can adopt an online presence for your company.  I just saw a commercial on television for a used car dealership in Vista California, called Classic Chariots. The owner of the company is the face of the organization, and he regularly appears on local cable television; encouraging people to find him on his Facebook and Twitter pages. 

It was engaging for me as a consumer to go online to see his Facebook page, as I’m currently in the market for a new used car. I think if he maintained a blog emitting the same eccentric personality I see on TV, he would be very successful with a blog too - complementing his already very savvy social media presence.  


  1. You raise a good point: generational differences! I find the "millennials" share everything much more freely online that older generations, even in a business setting.

    I wonder if that also means that a younger business owner would be turned-off by posts that tend to be more business focus and neutral in personality...


  2. Hi David,
    I believe that you can show personality without sharing too much personal information.
    The generational differences are interesting. I guess it depends who your target audience is.
    Interesting reading. Thanks.
