Thursday, October 17, 2013

Hey Picture This! -Growing Your Organization With The Right Visual Platforms

This week my class is covering the use of the more visually oriented social-media-tools that are getting popular and are available online for business promotions, including Pinterest, Tumblr, YouTube and Instagram.

I am not going to pretend in my blog today that this week’s social media lessons (and the following examples for business use) present some easy online strategies for me. And I don’t think they will be for the smaller business owner either. And especially for those who do not have large marketing budgets and are not artfully minded or artistically inclined.

Also not every business will find a need to use them, or that they fit into their best strategies for their Branding and their Product or Business Development. Each business needs to come up with its own strategies and ideas of how these social media tools can potentially be useful to them. 

But for those of you who can manage the costs of digital media outsourcing, or are more artistically inclined, or perhaps you are just an artist at heart, or you have a business that is highly visual; such as within the industries of fashion, publishing or broadcast media. You just might find these visual social media tools I am going to cover today quite useful.

These tools would also be good for those of you who might have larger highly-visual business websites. Where you probably have the needs and access to large amounts of visual materials and related business content. Plus the capabilities and resources to manage the time, and personnel, you would need to create and publish these digitally appealing Social Media Pages.
Even though I speak with the caveat toned above – those on a lower cost budget (such as with my project with the Sabrina Keller Foundation) can still use these tools in more simple ways – such as by creating a quick promotion or providing product/service information or presenting a how-to video (etc.) on YouTube. And by posting more simple pictures, images and other imaginative content on Pinterest, Tumblr and Instagram using simple Microsoft Office tools, a computer webcam or a cheap digital (or video) camera.   

I will first start off with the social image website Pinterest – which is essentially a public pin board for you and your followers to post images from online or off, which are uploaded to share and comment upon by your Pinterest Community. This is good for a Business or Brand with image intensive content, such as those selling products and services, or who hold events and manage attractions.

Maybe with some experimentation I think this is probably one of the most useful visual social sites for the Sabrina Keller Foundation, with their need for low budget or no budget options for social media strategies.  The Foundation can post photographs from events as well as other images regarding nonprofits and heart related or arrhythmic diseases. Pinterest has also been increasing the utility of their site with added tools that help you create and manipulate your images for more creative pinning.  They use features similar to Facebook with a “like,” “comment” and “re pin” functions - which is when users are sharing their favorite posts with other friends.

The foundation could encourage followers to pin their own images from SKF events or their own (heart related) information on the Keller Foundation Community Pin Board. Event pictures can be linked to the Foundation Website as well as to their Facebook Page. Pleas for monetary support or recruiting volunteers can be integrated into the content occasionally, and be linked to a landing page for giving donations or signing up to attend an event/volunteer, etc.  

Tumblr is similar to Pinterest with visual posting as well as using textual content (akin to a visual blog) to explain the materials in captions. This would use the same strategies for engagement as with Pinterest - using images and linking back to other Sabrina Keller Foundation websites/pages for getting more information and increasing our audience engagement.  They have many unique features to engage an audience including a random post function, post archives, and a “piggy back” feature, with capabilities to integrate with other social media tools.

A lot of visual context is used by business at this site with dynamic imagery. Someone - a business that is more artistically inclined - would find this site a very attractive tool to promote their brands. Video and sound clips can also be integrated into your business profiles on here if they are relevant and work with your marketing strategies.

YouTube is the second largest search engine on the internet after Google and it is a good place to showcase a business or organization with videos; especially if it can go viral. As mentioned above, showcasing How-to-Videos for using a product are a good example of how to utilize YouTube for engaging and attracting your audience. 

Using YouTube for The Sabrina Keller Foundation might not be that functional, as they are not selling a product or service, or have a need to show how to use something properly. They could probably post video clips from SKF and other related events to entice followers to engage with them. Linking the videos to the main SKF Foundation Webpage/Facebook to make comments and create anticipation for upcoming events within new and old followers/fans. SKF might also use the national SADS Foundation Videos (and other related organizations) as a repost through their own YouTube channel and then link these videos to their own content on their Home Webpage and at Facebook.

The last visual platform I am covering today is Instagram - Instagram is like Pinterest and Tumblr – it acts a place to showcase mostly images and generally limited textual content. It was originally designed for mobile applications but has expanded to a greater web based presence - where users can use many types of devices to engage with it –including smart phones, tablets and now on regular computers.

It is one of the fastest growing social sites on the web and attracts many types of growing demographics, with their largest demographic base currently being those between 18 – 34 years old, and who consist mostly of women. The Keller Foundation would be wise to use this application – or social tool - as women are a large part of their target market and have been the biggest fans on Facebook who demonstrate their engagement with SKF. 

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